Well I finally fitted the Perfect storms that Sam made for me and I am sad to say that you are all going to be disappointed you didn't get a set (ha had you going didn't I). The bike now sounds like a dive bombing spitfire with a nice low rumble at idle. Man they seem to have really unleashed the beast, I just opened it up in first and short-shift the rest of the gears because I am already at the end of the road. I used to do that in second gear, that's the difference that I noticed straight away. When I got out on the main road and filtered to the front at the lights I let it rip ..... spun the wheel until I changed gear, looked in to the mirror to see the cars just starting to move while I was already slowing for the next set. There are no heat shields because it would be a shame to hide these works of Sam
(I was going to say art but It just wouldn't sound right if you know what I mean). The heat was not noticeable but my jeans did get scorched so I will make a Lexan heat shield connected to the brake cylinder cover. This will be near invisible and stop my jeans getting in contact with the pipes. I have worked with Lexan before and it is near indestructible, you have to actually melt it to fluid to bend it and that takes a lot of heat from a gas axe to do. The weight of the bike has changed noticeably, making it easier to maneuver with the dark side tire when backing out of the carport. Not having the three big flared out pipes is a bonus as well, less space needed to maneuver. I don't want to sound like I am sucking up to Sam but credit where credit is due, 10/10 for looks, 10/10 for finish, 10/10 for fit, 10/10 for sound. Sam don't let this go to your head but you are the man. I am one exceptionally satisfied customer and don't mind saying so.