Don't the sheep herders also wear oversized boots so they can put the rear legs of the sheep inside their boots as they push the sheep towards the cliff edge? Asking for a friend...who lives in Florida.
Couple of young sheep farmers - not saying they were necessarily Kiwis, or Scots, but…. - came across a sheep with its head stuck in the fence. One couldn’t get his pants down fast enough and had his way with the sheep. Turned to his mate and asked if he wanted to have a turn. ”Sure” he said excitedly, turned round and stuck his head in the fence.
Couple of young sheep farmers - not saying they were necessarily Kiwis, or Scots, but…. - came across a sheep with its head stuck in the fence. One couldn’t get his pants down fast enough and had his way with the sheep. Turned to his mate and asked if he wanted to have a turn. ”Sure” he said excitedly, turned round and stuck his head in the fence.
Couple of young sheep farmers - not saying they were necessarily Kiwis, or Scots, but…. - came across a sheep with its head stuck in the fence. One couldn’t get his pants down fast enough and had his way with the sheep. Turned to his mate and asked if he wanted to have a turn. ”Sure” he said excitedly, turned round and stuck his head in the fence.