Peg rails

On the subject of pegs, does anyone know if highway boards are available for passengers? The wife is getting jealous of my freedom, I've looked but cant find any.

I have boards on mine , search all the bike accessories suppliers
Steptoe and son , where is the best place to look for them?

My shed!

I have a brand new kit complete unpacked (I'm teasing you), it is my keeper.

I have a second used but unmarked excellent set. I still have to check part by part to state what may be missing from the used kit, but all the key components are there including, bars, foot-boards, gear/brake levers and brake line, maybe even a brake reservoir and/or cylinder. Frankly the foot-boards look unused. It may be missing a few common bolts /washers etc still available as stock multi use parts etc..
These are the Standard 'accessory' or 'Special Edition' foot-boards version NOT the 'Classic' flatter angled and reduced ground clearance ones.

What sort of dollars we talking for the kit ?
2007 with 2010 Rocket Touring rails and floorboards

How much do they change cornering clearance from stock Roadster?
Any other mods required to get them sorted? @warp9.9

@davidr2023 is in the process of fitting a complete set of very expensive new Touring foot-boards, bars and levers components bought from Triumph Australia and could surely learn a lot from your set up.
Red neck seat hold down
Anyway, the 2010 Touring running boards bolt right up to the 2007 Standard. You also switch the brake line
Red neck seat hold down
Anyway, the 2010 Touring running boards bolt right up to the 2007 Standard. You also switch the brake line
I believe Ken means the compltete floor board rails bolt up. If been looking and think the touring boards will also fit the classic rails. Which are also the same boards used on the thunderturd (different rail mounts though)
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