Tech question I'm sure someone can answer. According to PCV this sits on the output side of the bikes ECU and modifies the signal to suit our requirements! So if the PCV is adjusting the fuel flow what map should be in the bikes ECU?? a standard map ?? If the TuneECU map is updated to suit the bike setup then is the PCV doubling up on this and screwing it all up again! I realise the AT system will balance it all out eventually but it needs to be in the ball park first to run the bike safe. Am I missing something here as each system is independent but looking at the same data. The way it looks to me, the PCV map must be matched to the ECU map.
Hope one of you guys can update me on what bit of Knowledge I'm missing here.
(this is what happens when its rainning and I can't get out on the bike! )
I see your line of thinking but the PCV+AT does'nt screw anything in the ECU map, that stays constant unless you use the TuneECU software to import a PCv map and override the original ECU map AFR setting.
The idea of the PCv AT units is to opimize the AFR map whilst riding under varying conditions or constant speeds or changes in hot cold weather or altitude changes etc.
Just keeps the bike on constant Dyno while you ride..Power Commander + Automatic Tune
Why does the Rain stop you riding Pierre, I use my R3 every day rain or shine as I did in the UK.. good wet gear , boots and gloves and no problem
Hey mate as Dennis said the Pcv controls fuel only . It basically over rides what the standard ecu has in it . It won't affect anything else in your ecu sutch as secondaries ect. I loaded a tune with tune ecu that was close for my set up and had the features I required sutch as secondaries open 100% ect ect and then added the Pcv to control my fuel . No it won't double up on the fuel map mate it will take over the fuel duties .