Paint damaged


May 23, 2010
140klms outside Brisbane Australia
R3 standard with many mods
couple of weeks ago took the covers off the bike and noticed a smear on the tank, without wanting to sound disgusting it looked like someone had sneezed on it.
No one touches my bike or uncovers it so was at a loss as to what it was.
Anyway got a rag and wiped it and thought I'll give it a thorough clean the following weekend.
After washing the tank it still had a look as if I'd put polish on it and not wiped it off, washed it and dried it again and still didn't remove it.
Unfortunately it looks as if its taken the gloss out of the clearcote and still has a 'greasy' feel to it.
As you can imagine I'm not happy as since I got it custom painted last October all I've done is wash and chamois it, no polish at all.
Don't know what to try next....white spirit, petrol and turps have all been suggested but a bit reluctant to muck around with it any more.

i agree with above, get the painter to have a look. youve got a very expensive beautiful finish, i wouldnt be using a solvent my painter hasnt recommended.

is it a residue or something like tree sap etc. when you say greasy feel, does it smear.
have the painter look at it he will probably have you are him use some buffing compound to bring it back
it's definately not sap or anything like that. The curious thing is that when I put the covers on it I never noticed anything. I have a feeling something may have got under the cover or was in the cover when I put it on the bike. Even now after 2 washes it still is evident. If you just wipe a finger across the surface it leaves a mark as if it has a coating of grease/oil on it.
I dont think I'll mess with it, I'll take the advice and take it back to the painter. If he can't get it back to how it was I'll get it repainted, bit drastic I know but this has really pissed me off.
Anyway I have just incurred more problems..........see my new thread.
Hmmmmm! Maybe check the wiring and ecu could ave a critter in there
Hi Big Al
Had the same problem with my Phantom Black paintwork on the rear fender just above
the stop light..i would polish it out and it would return a week or so later.
I thought perhaps that where the cover had rested on the fender it had caused it to sweat or react

well it's highly likely that it was a squashed centipede caught in the sheet when I put it on the bike. I put old sheets on first then the cover so I wouldn't have noticed that I don't think.
Pretty toxic though considering the damage to the paint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!