Paint can rattle?

Jim, I have a 2006 when ithey were notorious for the "paint can rattle"! Took it to the dealer and thet installed the the shim or spacer previously mentioned! When I went to pick it up the dealer said they still heard it! Triumph told the dealer to note it on the service report and would not do anything about it! I crank mine up and let it warm up and don't hear it ! so far so good 20,000 miles later! She may fly all to hell next time I ride but so far so good!
I survived!!!!!

So then, I take it the break would not heal up and they inserted a screw to hold it together?
Will the screw remain or be removed later?
ALL this from a pissed wheelie?!?! CRAP!!!

The first time I rode My R3T I took it straight back to the dealer as I thought it was making too much mechanical noise from the engine/clutch and gearbox, the workshop manager told me it was "normal" so off I went 36000Klms later it is still a rattly unit IMHO I think the sounds are magnified by the screen and are not the Paint can rattle,in all fairness if you lift the bonnet(hood in US) and listen to most car engines they do make a bit of a clatter,it is just that you are sitting on top of the engine ,my riding buddies Honda FB6 Goldwing is like a electric engine almost silent compared to the R3, but nothing has fell off or come out the side of the crankcase yet! it is just a bit of a worry as it is the noisiest motor cycle engine I have had but also the biggest.
once the plunger in the tensioner drops to 16 mm the spacer is installed to bring spring tension back up. the spacer can be made from a 10 mm bolt shank about 8.89 mm long.

Triumph of course will except your first born child for a go no go gauge made of nylon and the spacer to boot.

the tool T3880068 is costly when you can just measure it with a set of calipers. It is measuring the drop to the first shoulder like where the ink pen is pointing to in the picture below.

Of course this is done whilst the tension is still on the bike not when it is sitting on you laptop

This is done while the tensioner is on the bike engine not running and do not even try to turn it over when you have the center nut and spring out.
If your dealer pulls it out to change it you might as well have him check the valve clearances since your timing will be out of wack.