Paint can rattle?

Try putting it in gear and pulling the bike backwards hard. this will put the cam chain slack on the adjuster side and if it is close the adjuster will move to the next tooth.

I've tried it a couple times since I read your suggestion, so far it hasn't fixed it, not sure if I'm doing it right though....
I've tried it a couple times since I read your suggestion, so far it hasn't fixed it, not sure if I'm doing it right though....

WARNING, Will Robinson!
May result in wheelie and broken wrist!!!
Seriously jum talk to Fred I think it use to have something u coud ajust ur cam tension with or warp I don't remember now
I've tried it a couple times since I read your suggestion, so far it hasn't fixed it, not sure if I'm doing it right though....

It's a lot easier if you park with the bike facing up a slight incline then turn off the motor (of course) put the bike in 2nd gear and just let it roll back slowly and pop out the clutch, let the weight of the bike do the work