Hell of a week......
I know, the butt still hurts from the reaming. I had called the dealer several months ago and was quoted around $450.00 for the complete 10 k service which included changing all fluids, adjusting valves, throttle bodies synced, and complete check of all fasteners and components. Of course this was oral and not written, but trust me this was brought up during the debate numerous times. The Maryland dealer I called was on a different maintenance schedule all together for the R/3. Something like a 3k,6k. and 12k check up. Has this changed since I bought my 2005? I am sure he was probably cheaper, but gets to do you more often. I know my dealer back charged Triumph for most of the warranty claim and still socked me also, but you know what, this is the only time. The only redeeming factor out of this whole episode, is that the bike is running better than new.
There is a long hill coming home from work, and I used to let the bike engine coast to around 2 thousand rpm to see how loud the rattle could get. You could hear it even wearing a full faced helmet. Today she was quiet as a lamb farting through Jardines. I look at this way, at 10K this is only time my bike will ever see a dealer, barring something catastrophic. Sunday morning I am heading for the Virginia mountains to forget my troubles. To finish out a great week, I had to have surgery done on my old 14 year old Australian Shepard which ran over $800.00. Both the bike and dog are doing great, but I am broke as hell.