Paint Can Rattle

Jamie and Flip

At our age, we can do the thirty days without sex a hell of a lot easier.


Britman, you don't know (or don't know yet) how tormented some of us are about our sheep fantasies.

Obsessive. Worse yet: Increasingly compulsive.

Last time we had sex, thirty days ago, I had to beg wiffie to wrap a woollen scarf around her breast.

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OH my god,It must be contagious. I think we need a sex counselor on this site... Britman ,why no oil change after a wrench has been inside your engine??.They don't usually take to many pains to keep it clean In there.Jack
Britman ,why no oil change after a wrench has been inside your engine??.They don't usually take to many pains to keep it clean In there.Jack

Is a mechanic leaving a wrench inside the engine tantamount to a physician leaving surgical instruments inside a patient?

Maybe doctors and mechanics study at the same institution of higher learning.

I guess Tomo's unrelenting wisdom will prevail here...
I went yesterday to Capitol Triumph in Raleigh, N.C. to talk to them about the noise. The service manager took down all my info and is going to contact Triumph about it. I have an appointment on the 15th of Sept. to take it in for them to listen to the noise. They said if they do the work, they will order all the parts before I bring it in. We'll see what happens.
Look Who is Back

The old Fat Bottom Girl is home minus the "Paint Can Rattle". I never new she was supposed to sound so quiet, except for the Jardines of course. The cam chain, blades, sprockets, key ways, and tensioner were all replaced under warranty along with the water pump which had a slight leak. (I thought it was just the gasket.) The new idle tune was also loaded and it seems a tad more sluggish on the lower end, but that could just be me.
The 10 k checkup was done, to include an oil change Jack. I am going to give it a couple of hundred miles to let the new parts seat, drain the Triumph oil, and replace it with Amsoil. Even with gaskets, seals, and valve adjustment kicked over to the warranty claim, the check up ran slightly over $500.00. That was after some heavy discussions, (no the police weren't called, it was close though), some in store credits, and a great looking Triumph button up shirt thrown in. It was over $650.00 when we started. Yes I know, I was ripped off to a certain extent, but the Beast is back and I am a happy camper again. I was told by the Service Manager that 2005 Rockets around my serial number were prone to key ways wearing causing chain slap which translates to "Paint Can Rattle." I am off to clean a **** pot full of greasy fingerprints and get her standing tall again. A new front tire has been ordered and some new Michigan made custom stainless brake line clamps should be showing up soon.
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