Paddock Stand

Lift Aid Brackets

Flipmeister, you have any of the brackets for use with a jack? Didn't see any on the website.

Bill Montgomery
I think I've got what you're looking for.
The "L" shaped brackets with the pin that fits into the frame
that holds the bike up off the oil pan.
Is this what you're looking for?

Welcome to the site by the way.
Tell us about yourself and your bike.
We're generally a friendly lot here, willing to help
with either advice or constructive criticism.
So Welcome to the site from Oklahoma,

Hi Skip,

Yes, I think that's what I need. I would be buying Flipmeister's paddock stand except that I already have a jack and I also need the function of a dolly. I need to be able to turn the bike around in the garage once up on the jack.

If you have what I need for sale, let me know and we'll make arrangements.

I'll put my intro in the proper section of the forum.

Thanks so much,
