P3 lights_and_Daytime_Visibility_Ver_1

Excellent mod.
Very noticeable when doing it's thing, which was the purpose.
The rear is almost not noticeable when not on, but certainly an eye catcher when in use.
I myself had the safety thing in mind when I bought and installed the
Night rider LED light from custom Dynamics.
One of the Captains following me down the Tail of the Dragon a couple of years ago,
said it was very noticeable, but almost hypnotic which WASN'T the intent.
As long as you're "seen" I feel like that's a good start to your survivability,
and also why I installed the Stebel horn, that'll wake sleeping cagers up too.
It doesn't help you being seen, but it does let them know you're there.
All in all a good mod, good writeup and review.
i'd like the instructions for wiring them posted if you don't mind sharing.
Nice job gentlemen. I just saw an R1200GS parked at Lowes that would put you guys to shame. Besides a huge set of PIAA driving lights that would dwarf your headlights he must have had at least 3 sets of those photon blasters on the front. I didn't check the rear but I imagine it was similarly equipped. Those big GS's have a huge alternator, and I suspect this guy used all of it.

You fellows appear to have done a very tasteful job of adding some much needed conspicuousness (is that a word?) to your R3s. If anybody hits you now they should be charged with driving while blind.