The exhaust is now here. Test fit and test started today for a sense of sound.. more to follow on that. First lets look at some new exhaust ****!
Amazing you can fit an R3 exhaust in such a small box!!
Got clearance? The answer is YES. More than CES, hell, I think it's actually more than stock. Forward controls will result in a scorched leg....
Now for the good stuff, Les showing off his chops as a full out master in design, I'm in complete awe at how accurate this is. Fitting it took me literally about 3 minutes, including looking for tools, taking off the rear passenger peg mount, and about 2 minutes to replace and tighten everything. Even the most tricky bolt isn't bad.:
God this shot is horrid.. garbage camera strikes again. Notice the invisible O2 sensor that is fitted in this shot.
Weights will follow coating to make it fair, but I can say this:
Les exhaust seems lighter than my CES can alone, my CES exhaust seems lighter than a single R3 stock can alone, expect a very low number.
And the moment you've been waiting for... what does it sound like:
The video doesn't convey the volume, but it does convey the tonality and pitch. It sounds err AGGRESSIVE, barky, bassy, raw, angry, pissed, like a 2.3 liter about to stomp your face in.
Also: It is fing
I realize being in the garage makes it echo and seem louder, but there is no doubt, it is a loud setup. Ya'll are going to want me either in back or WAY out front on RAA West
Going in for coating tomorrow, dyno numbers on 30 March
Here's what the bike did, on 92, with air filter in place: