Every once in a while, we see someone decrying the lack of basic science education.
Nitrogen as a fill for tires is bogus - complete.
The molecular weight of nitrogen is 14, and the molecular weight of oxygen is 16, and as stated, the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, the diffraction of sunlight why our sky is blue.
Since most of us are filling our tires from the atmosphere, we are already filling our tires with mostly nitrogen.
As an aside, the US Olympic cycling team went to helium-filled tires at one point, to shave 14 grams per tire off their bikes.
To pay someone for fill gas that has had the oxygen (and other gases) removed is - well I have better things to do with my money.
And Avogadro's number says ALL gases expand and contract with temperature -- it's not nice to fool Mother Nature.
The conventional wisdom, backed by science, is one should check tire pressure before every ride.
Let's be safe out there.