Harley and Indian charge SOO much for their products because they can! The hd's are getting better every year and the prices have not really inflated the last 10 years and are actually down from their peak in early 2000's. I had to ride around a woman? riding a hd in the fast lane going 20 mph the other day because I don't think she knew how to shift! sure didn't sound like it. That would be my problem, not with the 'motorco' reeling fish in by the barrel, but these people seem to have '0' experience riding and they're buying under powered, poor stopping, heavy machines because it's fashionable to say "I have a harley" and when soccer mom or teenage kid texting while driving veers into their lane they'll be too busy looking for the horn button to make defensive maneuvers, get run over and i'll be stuck in traffic behind them waiting for the cleanup crew. fat chicks on harleys still ain't getting laid til' closing time so I wish they would just take the bus. rant over.