Normal markings from what I've seen. The lifter shaft is worn/burnt. Not major but it would fail after a while. Have you owned the bike since new or did you just pick it up. I do not remember?
Normal markings from what ive seen lifter shaft is worn/burnt. Not major but it would fail after a while. Have you owned the bike since new or did you just pick it up. I do not remember?
I bought the bike new in July 2004. My pic shows the order they were in...the wavy washer would be on the opposite side of the lifter price the needle bearings are on...and quite frankly would do absolutely nothing.
I bought the bike new in July 2004. My pic shows the order they were in...the wavy washer would be on the opposite side of the lifter price the needle bearings are on...and quite frankly would do absolutely nothing.
Correct, or at least that's my opinion. The wear could be from pulling the clutch in and revving the motor. Or being out of adjustment for a little while. Depending on the mileage I figure it has fared out well over the years.
Correct or at least thats my opinion. The wear could be from pulling the clutvh in and reving the motor. Or being out of adjustment for a little while. Depending on the mileage I figure it has fared out well over the years.
I'm gonna change the lifter shaft while I have it open, friction disc's are in really good shape for their age, measured pad thickness is 3.82 mm. The bikes got 70000km or about 45000 miles on it.
I'm gonna change the lifter shaft while I have it open, friction disc's are in really good shape for their age, measured pad thickness is 3.82 mm. The bikes got 70000km or about 45000 miles on it.
Oh ya you definitely want to change the lifter shaft. Look at the back of the lifter piece head and make sure it's not scored or burnt so it does not tear up the new shaft. The needle bearing marks are normal on the shaft when you look at how it rotates or how little it does the needles do not even get a full rotation. I use an ear swab to paint grease on the needles before installing the shaft.