only 21 mpg...

Let's see if it has the outdated tune in it first, then a full ISCV CHECK/RESET would be in order so we can see if the TPS sensor is calibrated correctly

I don't know what you mean by that at all. Can you explain it to me exactly what you would like me to do?

Take TuneECU, and copy the map that is currently in the bike (do NOT download -- that is the TuneECU command for putting a new file back into the bike), and when you do that, your map will be in the same folder as the TuneECU program.

Take that map, and upload it to the site here, under "Resources", and then let us know.

At that point, knowledgeable folks can examine it, and see where we go from there.
The correct way is to open TuneECU, connect, then select menu option "ECU", "Read Map". Then once it has read the map, go to "File", "Save Map file"
Im hoping it will say can't read map unknown file or something like that which means it has a original map. Once we know what it has we can look at a normal maintenance things like the TPS sync with the map throttle opening and idle stepper motor.
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I was able to download the map finally! New problem, I cannot run any tests for some reason. I installed a new TPS and I want to do a reset, but I cannot select any of the tests to make them work.


I was able to download the map finally! New problem, I cannot run any tests for some reason. I installed a new TPS and I want to do a reset, but I cannot select any of the tests to make them work.



If not all tests are lit you're not linked with the bike's ECU. Which makes me wonder how you changed the TPS not linked to the ECU.
As you would have said I want to change the TPS but when I double click on Adjust ISCV nothing happens?
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Yes. I am linked. I was able to download the map as well as see the diagnostics. I installed the new tps and rotated it to 0.58v.

The problem is, all the tests are greyed out. That part doesnt make sence.
Yes. I am linked. I was able to download the map as well as see the diagnostics. I installed the new tps and rotated it to 0.58v.

The problem is, all the tests are greyed out. That part doesnt make sence.

In order to set the TPS you would have to retract the idle stepper motor completely. This is done by the adjust ISCV process on the Test page in order to click on this or any test say like fan test they will all be highlighted or black. If they are not lit up and you can not double click and use them you are not linked up to the bike.
Which makes me wonder if you really loaded a map in the ECU as you would have then said I try to reset the adaptives but it won't work. Amazingly you also would have said that when you tried to change the TPS as that button too is on the test page.
So I have to ask how do you know you loaded a map when you don't know if you were linked to the bike ? When you went to load the map did a big box pop up and basically tell you that you can screw the bike up if you feed it the wrong information ? One thing I can tell is you have not researched the proper method to change and or adjust the TPS. As it would have you on the Test page and well you're as you say is not working. Myself when ever I link up to a bike I go right to the Test page and double click the fan test if the fan does not turn on it's because I'm not linked up with the bike. It's really simple: you click it and it tells the ECU to turn fan on. No fan means you're not sending information to the ECU. Or your fan is tore out of the bike and laying on the floor.