On a positive note..

What is do you mean by "properly taken care of". Red lining in all the gears and absolutely ringing the arse out of it ?
Been looking at it and thinking if i am still brave enough to throw a leg over it without dislocating something
Ride that thing! You DO have to learn to grip with your legs and develop a different set of muscles (or do it again, if you used to ride them), but I still ride sportbikes, and I’m 52, 6’ tall, have a gut, and arthritis, and I’m good for an hour at a time.

One more suggestion: Vanson will make you a custom set of leathers with your plumbing business logo and # on them=marketing!
He ain't joking about the weather either. Been a hot ride everyday coming home. Helmet is enough to knock your socks off if you take a smell. Nasty stuff.

I thought I was the only one who sweated that much. Here, we’ve “only” got 90s, but waaay high humidity, and I sweat like a pig if it’s over 70. If I only used a single helmet, even spraying Lysol in it and using anti-bacterial soap on the liner, I’d have to buy a new one every year. I had a Hayden model Arai Corsair once I loved so much, I kept using it for 6 years, and it got to where no matter what I did, the stink while I was wearing it was intolerable.

...and we now return you to your non-stinky, 2002 GSX-R thread.
I will give it a good ride tomorrow, will let you know how it went