I rescued this neglected beauty from my son Kevin, some of you may remember this bike, i bought it a few years back with 130 miles on the clock, it is a 2002 model, now it sits on a littke over 400 miles, gave it to my son years ago but he does not ride it, back in my garage so it can be properly taken care of
He ain't joking about the weather either. Been a hot ride everyday coming home. Helmet is enough to knock your socks off if you take a smell. Nasty stuff.
Ride that thing! You DO have to learn to grip with your legs and develop a different set of muscles (or do it again, if you used to ride them), but I still ride sportbikes, and I’m 52, 6’ tall, have a gut, and arthritis, and I’m good for an hour at a time.
One more suggestion: Vanson will make you a custom set of leathers with your plumbing business logo and # on them=marketing!
He ain't joking about the weather either. Been a hot ride everyday coming home. Helmet is enough to knock your socks off if you take a smell. Nasty stuff.
I thought I was the only one who sweated that much. Here, we’ve “only” got 90s, but waaay high humidity, and I sweat like a pig if it’s over 70. If I only used a single helmet, even spraying Lysol in it and using anti-bacterial soap on the liner, I’d have to buy a new one every year. I had a Hayden model Arai Corsair once I loved so much, I kept using it for 6 years, and it got to where no matter what I did, the stink while I was wearing it was intolerable.
...and we now return you to your non-stinky, 2002 GSX-R thread.
Ride that thing! You DO have to learn to grip with your legs and develop a different set of muscles (or do it again, if you used to ride them), but I still ride sportbikes, and I’m 52, 6’ tall, have a gut, and arthritis, and I’m good for an hour at a time.
One more suggestion: Vanson will make you a custom set of leathers with your plumbing business logo and # on them=marketing!