OK fellas, it is time for the BIG Combo.....

Being a Spring Chicken, I'm glad you were able to walk away Just bruises, no bad bones?
Photo alert!
You can tell I have too much time on my hands now that I have been confirmed with the dreaded lurgy and am isolated by Govt decree for 5 days.

'Spring Chicken' or just a 'Rooted Rooster'*?
*see below

Nope no bones, I left all that behind in my 'Spring Chicken' days!

My sometimes dodgy right knee got dodgy again the past week but is fast improving, a little swelling on my left wrist/hand has gone now too.

Maybe my fused 'bamboo spine' stopped me flip flopping about too much.

No bruising at all which surprised me as I have been on Xarelto 20mg Rivaroxaban non-reversible blood clotting reducer for about 10 years since a bunch of pulmonary embolisms lead to a discovery of a double dose of a thrombosis causing gene from both my oldies.
One serve and you have 8 x the chance of thrombosis and two doses about 100x.
With my bonus A+ most effected blood group for elevated risk!

Factor V Leiden

My naval hernia 'Ernie' is already a big double handful and despite still looking like this handsome Blob fish (or a giant single testicle ) maintained his position and suffered no trauma.

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You did not mention you arrrived in a VOLVO!!!!!