Oil tank embellisher?

What does your oil tank embellisher say?

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That's funny. No Harleys in Canada? Want to trade for one that says Triumph?
All the Harleys have the imperial badge, eg. 103,110 etc. They are pretty much the only ones who get what the 140 means. There is a member on site who was making rad covers, a 2300 could be ordered for that.
All the Harleys have the imperial badge, eg. 103,110 etc. They are pretty much the only ones who get what the 140 means. There is a member on site who was making rad covers, a 2300 could be ordered for that.

That's funny.
(click on the black square)
Not to mention the countless cars with cubic inch engines - 327, 351, 455, 427 etc etc.
IF I had to describe it, most (not all) are starting out with Hondas , Yamaha etc. Everything is in CC, 600,750 etc. They only seem to comprehend that when talking motorcycles, so 2300CC, usually gets the Holy S#it response. However, I had a discussion with a Harley rider at a cruise night, when he asked about my motor, I told him 2300CC, he couldn't seem to do the conversion, and began , quite boastfully, explain to me at great cost he had bored his motor out and was over 110 CU, I let him go on for a bit, then politely told him the conversion was 140CU, kinda got the dazed look, told him he would never get there......your just not big enough.
I usually start with 140 cubic inches, if they have a look of non compression I say 2.3 litres, and if that doesn't work, 2300cc. Sometimes it still takes a while for the penny to drop.
Yes your right, when non-bikers get told its 2300cc, they have the "non-compression look" ( I like that ), then when they think about, they tell me they have a 2 litre motor in their car, then the penny has officially hit the ground.
Im going to be the weirdo or moron here and say I wish there was someone who made custom plates to put on there so we could use our user name from the forum. Then you would know who is around if you were out and about. Al
Im going to be the weirdo or moron here and say I wish there was someone who made custom plates to put on there so we could use our user name from the forum. Then you would know who is around if you were out and about. Al

I guess I'll will jump in here since there has recently been some discussion about oil tank embellishers on the internet as well as at RAA X. I have made several of these in years past and made them in several ways. Here is mine by the way:

What has worked best for me is a piece of 3/16" (about 5mm) ABS plastic with self adhesive "laser foil" engraved with the image of your choice. I have had mine on for several years with no issues. The plastic back allows the embellisher to easily conform to the curve of the oil tank.
I have only done black that engraves leaving a brushed aluminum look, but I will check and see what other options are available.

I will not be able to start on these until the end of May as I have another project going at present. I will also be offering some neoprene tank pads that can also be engraved with the image of your choice.

I will start another thread titled "Oil Tank Embellishers/Tank Pads" to gauge interest.


So, what does everyone's oil tank embellisher say? Mine's got "140 Cubic Inches" on it, but I live in Canada so nobody has any idea what that means. I kind of wish I could find one that says 2,300cc instead. What do you have on yours?

Argh. I want that 140 cui one but can't find it, it's out of print. Just when the wound had healed over.

Mine just says a boring "Rocket III" now.

I'm kind of sensitive to the "factory or obvious home-made" thing, too, can't just take a random bit of metal and scribble something on it.

Lonnie You bet me to it was going to give them your info guys these are nice so if your tired of what you have there is nothing stoping ya from changing it Lonnie I'll be with ya soon later this week for mine and a few more

I would definitely be interested.