Oil pressure light

So ,

I checked the cable, wiggled with it all running, no light came on... everything feels firm so it’s no a loose or frayed connector atleast not that my eye can see unless there is a problem further into the loom.

I have increased idle to 900rpm... and will see what that does if anything. I’m awaiting on arrival of a new sensor and will run a proper pressure test on the weekend when I have time to remove tank and stuff around more. It’s weird tho... it lights once for a second after stopping or the bump in the driveway are the only two situations and when it lights it for 1 second.... the only common factors I can see are either movement or that the engine is good and hot.... it’s not the oil and filter, changed them... as far as I can tell leaves me with sensor or a real pressure issue but I would think if it’s pressure it would be more regular than like once a week for one second

ran 30 minutes out to work this morning. Bike was warm beforehand and at full temp throughout.... no light.... so waiting to see if it re appears at some point.....

Only other thing I can think of, has anyone had issues with oil pickups? Anything else strange that’s these bikes instead of just bikes in general?
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Got similar issue, only in my case oil light might occasionally turn on/off when i am turning on fog or high beam lights..i did open the fuse box and cleaned all the fuses..it did help, but after a month or so it appeared again..go figure..reminds of the story in one of the posts where forum member was complaining that his rocket would emit horn signal each time he changed gears