OIl over 6 Years Old

At the current prices, I wouldn't throw anything out.........use it! Chit, I'm old enough (72) to remember gas stations selling "re-cycled oil. Came in 1 quart glass bottles with a pour spout on top.......
I remember that, I had some oil burners that it would be a sin to put new oil in. I remember a 283 Impala that would begin to knock from low oil, we could only scrape up a couple dollars between us, hmm, gas or oil? Ah, gas, I'll get oil tomorrow.
Some folks think this is odd but, I always shake up my bottles of oil before opening. My thinking is to mix it back up in case some of the additives may have settled out of the mix.
East Anglia, eh? Docked there in Ipswich after crossing the North Sea from Rotterdam 50 years ago when I was 23. Worst boat ride of my life. Rented a right hand drive car with stick shift Made it about 3 blocks before turning around and trading it in for a left hander.
Well, if it survived 250 million years, another 6 years shouldn't hurt it.
I really can't think of anything that would chemically degrade it, myself.
Think the oil should be fine, but in six yrs. companies probably have added/changed additives.