Oil level drop in oil tank (Again)

Mike Rocket

Rocket 3
Oct 27, 2017
East Anglia, England
2014 Rocket 3 Roadster
Sorry, i have asked before but now it drains down quicker.
I have a 2014 Rocket 3 Roadster with 12000 miles on the clock so really nothing should be worn yet.
The oil tank has drained down into the sump overnight a couple of times now, which seems pretty fast to me.
I have replaced the one way valve in the bottom of the engine that is supposed to prevent this drain down 6 months ago but it made no difference then, it was draining down in 3 days.
I understand this happens on a lot of Rockets.
When I start it with an empty oil tank the oil pressure light has a slight delay going out but if I put about 125ml of oil in the tank prior to starting after a couple of days standing the oil light extinguishes almost immediately.
Has anybody else noticed this happening?
Is it going to cause any engine damage on a cold start while the oil pump returns drained down oil to the tank?
I would like to know why this happens and would like to fix it.
What is the cause of the drain down when i have already replaced the non return valve with a new one.
Am i overthinking this?
I have only noticed this because i pulled the dipstick before starting up after an overnight stand. If i just started the bike as per what the manual says ie run for a couple of minutes, switch off and dip the oil i would never have noticed this. The oil light stays out once running even on tick over.
I am thinking most owners just fire up and the check oil and then ride off.
As i have said the oil light goes out within a few seconds anyway but quicker if i put the 125 ml of oil in the tank. This only means a slight (seconds) delay while the system builds up pressure.
I am thinking now it must be a quirk of this motorcycle as i hav'nt read about any big ends failing or other enginge damage due to this.
Maybe i am worrying about nothing?
Any comments are welcome please.
I (almost) never check the oil. I just start it up and go.
Some times I check the oil before going on a long trip and there's always enough oil. (after having run it for a couple of minutes)
I have no idea how much oil there is in the tank when I start it up but it must work ok as there's no bad knocking noises when I start it up. (2013 Roadster with 70,000 km on the clock)
If there's no bad noises when you start it up, then I wouldn't worry about it.
It all sounds normal with no knocking.
I am just hoping I a concerned over nothing.
Thanks for your reply
Did you have the O-ring on the left forward drain plug replaced during oil changes? From what I understand the plug's O-ring allows the oil to drain from the tank during oil changes when removing the plug and if not sealing properly allows the oil to drain back into the sump.
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Yes, the o ring is there and was replaced when the oil was changed. Maybe i should check it again and maybe replace it just in case that is the reason.
Yes, the o ring is there and was replaced when the oil was changed. Maybe i should check it again and maybe replace it just in case that is the reason.
Another update.
Just checked the oil cold today, 4 days after i last used the bike and the oil level has dropped but has not all drained to sump. As i said before last week the oil tank drained down to the sump overnight to empty. It makes no sense except i suppose the anti drain vale (which i replaced with a new one last year) has just decided to seal itself better. What else it could be is a mystery to me!
No point worrying about this anymore as it can never be diagnosed for sure. It's just fixing itself?
A quirk of this bike.
Some do and some dont . My bike is an 05 been like that from new .I start it and ride and I have a few engine mods on mine.Dont worry about it, check the oil after it has warned up and if its good no problem.
Yes, thats what i do now, i just wanted to know why but seem to draw a blank now. (Curious only).
If you take the clutch cover off you will see a tube that oils the clutch basket.The oil slowly drips out of here until the oil tank is empty. I kid you not.
If you take the clutch cover off you will see a tube that oils the clutch basket.the oil slowly drips out of here until the oil tank is empty. I kid you not.
I hav'nt had that cover off yet. Mine is dropping oil to the sump at different rates for some reason after my runs. Over night sometimes and over 4 days another time. It used to take 2 weeks.