Captains, please help me with this puzzler if you can:
I developed a small leak/seapage on the left side of my engine, rear of oil tank, almost to the rear of my enigine, right above head gasket (NOT LEAKING FROM HEAD GASKET THANKFULLY). There is a small hole machined into the top end above head gasket where it is leaking from. Do any of you know what the purpose of this hole is for? My mechanic doesn't know what it is for, nothing in the service manual that I could find either.
Could it be some sort of crankcase pressure release?
I live in Northern California (bay area). Weather is mild but the last 2 weeks we've had colder mornings (low 40's, high 30's F) I sometimes have trouble turning her over in the mornings - I've taken to keeping her on a battery tender at night and warming the headers with a space heater for ~20mins. - does the trick. But I wonder (hope) if cold oil + cold seals & gaskets + stiction is maybe causing this leak? Timing of cold weather corresponds to when the leak started. The oil is clean - not milky as if it mixed with water or anything.
Any input is appreciated! My mechanic is talking to Triumph Tuesday to get insight on the purpose of hole above the head gasket.
BTW - my detent spring broke a couple months ago, at that time I had the oil pan removed to clean out the broken pieces from the sump. I don't think it's related but thought I'd add "recent" major surgery on her.
I developed a small leak/seapage on the left side of my engine, rear of oil tank, almost to the rear of my enigine, right above head gasket (NOT LEAKING FROM HEAD GASKET THANKFULLY). There is a small hole machined into the top end above head gasket where it is leaking from. Do any of you know what the purpose of this hole is for? My mechanic doesn't know what it is for, nothing in the service manual that I could find either.
Could it be some sort of crankcase pressure release?
I live in Northern California (bay area). Weather is mild but the last 2 weeks we've had colder mornings (low 40's, high 30's F) I sometimes have trouble turning her over in the mornings - I've taken to keeping her on a battery tender at night and warming the headers with a space heater for ~20mins. - does the trick. But I wonder (hope) if cold oil + cold seals & gaskets + stiction is maybe causing this leak? Timing of cold weather corresponds to when the leak started. The oil is clean - not milky as if it mixed with water or anything.
Any input is appreciated! My mechanic is talking to Triumph Tuesday to get insight on the purpose of hole above the head gasket.
BTW - my detent spring broke a couple months ago, at that time I had the oil pan removed to clean out the broken pieces from the sump. I don't think it's related but thought I'd add "recent" major surgery on her.