Haha,I was at the dealer and rode it home that afternoon 150 miles, been boo boo weather down here so haven't got to ride as much as I like. where did you go for your first ride that was over 250 miles away and the back again?
I live in Henryetta Oklahoma. Rode down in 2015 in wife's pick up and rode bike home from the Dallas area. Scared the living crap out of me. Your four lane highways ain't no joke. Especially on a brand new Rocket X. Got lost due to traffic and being scared. Ended up riding a few miles. Thought i was heading north and then realized while the sun started to set that was heading the wrong direction. Did make it home in good shape but next day realized was all ready over due for a oil change. Nowadays sitting at 66,000 miles.
First the good news, my dealership tells me that Triumph has figured out a fix for this issue. The bad news is that they will have to keep the motorcycle for a week and a half or two weeks. Since there is no off season here for riding that really sucks. I was at work when they called me and couldnt hear really well so I dont know what the fix is, sorry.
I have a TFC with the same issue, but my dealership is struggling to figure it out. What was the fix they came up with? Also, the dealership tells me I’m the only bike with this problem reported to Triumph. I’m growing tired of the lies. Any chance you have a case number you could send my way? Thanks and ride safe!
I have a TFC with the same issue, but my dealership is struggling to figure it out. What was the fix they came up with? Also, the dealership tells me I’m the only bike with this problem reported to Triumph. I’m growing tired of the lies. Any chance you have a case number you could send my way? Thanks and ride safe!
I have the same leak.
Here's my Triumph America Case Reference #: 00882435
My bike is in the shop for the 3rd time for the leak. They are saying the leak is NOT coming from the bolt that has been getting all the attention. Triumph is telling them to remove the transmission/crankcase cover the bolt goes through. In order to do this, they have to remove the engine entirely. If the cover is bad, they have to replace the cover and case as a pair. As they are apparently matched.
If they say yours is the only reported case, then they're lying or not looking very hard. It appears to be pretty widespread. There are a number on this forum with the problem. Of the four 2020 rockets my dealer has sold, mine is the only one with the leak, but the service mgr said he is aware of the problem with them elsewhere. I smell a recall..We need to make some noise. If this doesn't get rectified soon, I'm going to have to go Lemon Law on them.
Good luck and please keep us posted.