I question the fact my dealer didn't know about the leak. After my 15 mile ride home I got off of the bike and saw the oil coming down. "Sell the bike get our commission then fix under warranty pay"
I talked to my dealer again and he said that the problem is that the transmission cover needs to be resealed and that it was a two step process and that is why it will take some time for the repair. That is all the information he could give me. I am going to call Triumph Monday myself and see if I can get some more answers. And to be clear this is not an issue that could be harmful to the bike, it is a nuisance issue. I will have at least 3500 miles on the bike after this weekend and everything else is spot on. Love it more every ride.
I have the same leak and it seems to be stumping my dealer, although they have apparently been consulting Triumph on the repairs.
The first time, they replaced a crush washer. The second time it was a crush washer and some "liquid sealant". The leak is back and I'm starting to get frustrated.
When I take it back, I will ask them whether they know about a possible transmission cover seal problem.
Can anyone tell me the best way to contact Triumph directly?
This problem aside, I'm totally in love with this bike.
Same issue here. 1200 Miles and two trips to the dealer. Triumph said the washer needed to be replaced - but that did not do the trick. slowed the leak some. Im going to try and loosen then torque that bad boy up see if it helps.