Oil leak on the 2020 GT

I have the same leak and it seems to be stumping my dealer, although they have apparently been consulting Triumph on the repairs.
The first time, they replaced a crush washer. The second time it was a crush washer and some "liquid sealant". The leak is back and I'm starting to get frustrated.
When I take it back, I will ask them whether they know about a possible transmission cover seal problem.
Can anyone tell me the best way to contact Triumph directly?

This problem aside, I'm totally in love with this bike.

So grateful for this forum!
While this thread is already going on for a while, please allow me a question:

When looking at the first picture in the beginning, it seems to show a copper washer. But when I look at my TFC it looks like a steel washer.

Is this in fact different in the different models or is this just a color bug based on the oil that contaminates the surface of the washer?
It’s defo, copper crush washer, a steel washer wouldn’t achieve the desired seal....
Same issue here. 1200 Miles and two trips to the dealer. Triumph said the washer needed to be replaced - but that did not do the trick. slowed the leak some. Im going to try and loosen then torque that bad boy up see if it helps.