Oil leak on the 2020 GT

I don't know about you guys but its kind of weird they didn't catch this in there test rides before they released the bike. I didn't catch whether its on all three models or not? Could someone enlighten me?
I had a Triumph storm and lost a right side header shield...just the small cover which was tacked on right near the head. Over time, i noticed on several other Storms. the same problem...lost right side shield. I put it down to poor workmanship probably by the same guy working on them...??
Maybe whoever is putting this bolt in is not giving it enough torque???...just on the bikes on his/her shift?
I talked to my dealer again and he said that the problem is that the transmission cover needs to be resealed and that it was a two step process and that is why it will take some time for the repair. That is all the information he could give me. I am going to call Triumph Monday myself and see if I can get some more answers. And to be clear this is not an issue that could be harmful to the bike, it is a nuisance issue. I will have at least 3500 miles on the bike after this weekend and everything else is spot on. Love it more every ride.
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I don't know about you guys but its kind of weird they didn't catch this in there test rides before they released the bike. I didn't catch whether its on all three models or not? Could someone enlighten me?

@warp9.9 Triumph forgot to have you as a test pilot for the bike...I am certain you would have been able to find every hidden nook and cranny issue plus added suggestions on where to improve the design...if only they had your number (857-5309, right?)
Ok so somewhere on the engine assembly line a short cut might have neen taken that didn't work out. Hopefully its a limited run. Richard said his technician buddy said thats a engine you don't want to take out. Which sounds like she is a wee bit more difficult then the 2.3 liter. If we see R's and GT's then it might point to the engine assembly line not sure they might have more then one engine assembly line to keep up with demand. Bet they are paying more attention now.