When you do get around to cleaning the Ramair filter, don't forget to clean/oil the foam crankcase breather/filter also. Just did mine and it was pretty filthy. I have mine on an extension hose so it sits slightly above the valve cover at the rear of the engine.
What is the name of cleaner& spray oil you use, was thinking of using Dawn dish washing soap to clean, but question what oil to use. Like the idea of a spray. Thanks
I douse the filter with Spray Nine degreaser then wash the filter in a bucket of warm water mixed with Dawn dish soap. Rinse with water and let dry. I have used the PJ1 oil degreaser for cleaning but prefer the soap method. For the oil spray, I also use PJ1 like @Bedifferent.
I douse the filter with Spray Nine degreaser then wash the filter in a bucket of warm water mixed with Dawn dish soap. Rinse with water and let dry. I have used the PJ1 oil degreaser for cleaning but prefer the soap method. For the oil spray, I also use PJ1 like @Bedifferent.