Oil Filter List

got me a scotts performance filter

and boy, it is a stunning piece of kit. really stunning quality, easy to see where the money goes and i like the idea of checking whats going on easily.

thumbs up for those that recommended it. thanks

Ponters you could have said and we could have split the freight.. I wanted one but the **** freight was rediculous.

Oh, I don't know. Even in 2007, in your very first post to this site, you were asking relevant, thought-out questions.

I took the liberty of browsing your posts and I see not one, "Hey, how much does a R3 weigh" type of questions.

I see that you're supportive of newcomers, and we all appreciate that, but when is a question just too much?

Maybe I ride too much...and don't spend enough time researching answers for folks...
Dan maybe you need to ride more and just turn the **** computer off period.Infact just hit is with a hammer
I had found this report, don't remember where, perhaps on this site, but interesting review...


  • Motorcycle Oil Filters & Air Filters.pdf
    827.9 KB · Views: 262
@ Dan...that's not a bad start of 1500 miles.. I have put a little over 9000 on mine in just under 2 months and I still find time for other things...let's ride brother
I've also seen another knowledgeable member recommend 14610 instead of 14612. Which one is the best fit for a 2011 Touring?
try the Purolator PSL14610 synthetic filter its a little longer but that won't hurt a thing the chrome filter cover still fits it you wil just have about a 3/4" blue strip betweent he cover and the engine block. Not that the rest are bad I just figure if your using synthetic oil why not a synthetic filter. Anyway I have been using them for over a year and have no complaints.

A little while ago I went to the Purolator website and on the powersports page at the bottom they say for motorcycles they "highly" recommend using their ML series instead of the PureOne filter because the mc oil pumps might not be able to withstand the pressure the PureOne creates. Any oil pump problems?