Oil Filter List

There are several, Bosch, Mobil One both make one, or used to.
Jeesh, just read the first post.

Well excuse me... Of course I did but I am not interested in a slightly less small filter, I was looking for a LARGER filter. But I´ll conduct my search on my own to not offend you further.
let me make this easy for ya, 1500 miles and new one goes on, nothing to good for the lush racing rocket


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let me make this easy for ya, 1500 miles and new one goes on, nothing to good for the lush racing rocket
According to EMGO who wants to sell lots of oil filters.
If a modern road bike needed a full synthetic oil change and new filter every 1500 miles (2400km) either the filters fill up real quick or the pistons have a cheese grater contact area. Factory spec is 10,000 miles or 12 months. But then again maybe I am just cheap!

With all the 'goodies' and investment lets say 3000 miles.
i go 4000 on oil the book may say 10000 and a lot do but any oil is burnt by then. When i use the purolator boss filter i go 4000 theyre big, these microglass desls are small but the guy who recommended them seemed to really know his ****e