Oil drops on the collectors! From where?

I got spots like that from riding and not noticing thrown up bits of road tar or similar. Hit it with the Autosol when I washed it, and the polished spots darkened and vanished after a few rides...
Road tar.....yes. That makes sense.
Will try some white spirit on a cloth, followed by some soapy water and a rinse and dry.
I have spots just like that as well. Tried everything I can think of to remove them, no luck.

I have spots just like that as well. Tried everything I can think of to remove them, no luck.

Most of the time what you are seeing is some forine material, usually iron, that got trapped in the sanding brushing process during manufacturing. One of the drawbacks to brushed stainless. It's imbedded into the stainless and must be sanded back out. Imo I'd love with it. If acetone or zylen does not take it off, not much else will.
Watch out for rust left over from embedding that steel into the stainless. You can use chemical guys iron remover but if it gets too baked in it could be a problem.
Ok, thanks for the tip!