Oil coming out of the crankcase breather

At least the engine doesn't have to come out

Oh and now you know why I do not vent my. Crank case to thethrottle bodies. Just think what might happen when more oil gets puked into a cylinder then it can get rid of.
The laws of hydrodynamics are fascinating. I'm sorry for your loss Mitz. Keep us informed in your progress.
what's your oil level like?

i guess a compression and/or leak down test will tell you if rings gone too
Hell, watching patiently.

My stock motor 16 R3R has some oil coming out of the crankcase breather also. There was a small amount in the airbox when I switched over to ramair, saw the same on the block and bought tubing to run it to my ramair. Figured Triumph "meant" it to do that. Also, the suction could help with the valve cover gaskets bulging after the change to ramair/k&n also
Small amount is nothing. Large amount is bad and messy like blowing the oil dip stick off under boost again don't ask me how I know
Your morning is our night and our night is your morning , yesterday in Australia is tomorrow here, shoot this time continuum stuff hurts my nokin.
Well it was 3:40 in the morning when I posted it too