Oh my but what have I done? A KLR?

Your KLR had a dipstick?

Maybe you never actually had a KLR...?
LOL, sorry, it was where a dipstick would have been. It was just the filler plug that tumbled somewhere down the highway never to be seen again. I really do try to forget about that mistake, but there are too many sad experiences to forget.
LOL, sorry, it was where a dipstick would have been. It was just the filler plug that tumbled somewhere down the highway never to be seen again. I really do try to forget about that mistake, but there are too many sad experiences to forget.

Hah. I didn't want to say anything about the dipstick. It is actually the fill hole plug and I recall when it happened. Gord was fit to be tied.

We mounted his bags on the KLR at my place before his great adventure and I recall Gord's frustration because the frame mounting points were off. I rode it on a test ride about a mile or so up the road before we departed and thought it felt very top heavy but since he was heading off on a great ride, he was loaded up. I thought it was a cool bike at the time as I recall.

Mine seems to be smoother running than Gord's but it was a long time ago, plus mine is a stripped down set up for single track, not highway riding.

I still had my 07 Rocket Touring for that trip and we parted I believe in Omak or somewhere in the Okanagoans. The motel had nice swimming pool as I recall and it was great because the temps were in the 90s. Gord headed out the next day towards Glacier on his KLR and and I pointed my front wheel towards home. To this day I wish I'd gone with him, not only to share in my good friend's adventure but I like to think that had I done so, I'd have ensured he tightened his oil fill spout.

I noted that the one on mine required a wrench to open so based on Gord's experience, will pay very close attention and keep it very tight.
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I was going through this thread again to confirm what year KLR Elcanaco had and saw some posts I missed.

dandiego, I missed that posting with pic of yours. It appears you have the 7 gal IMS tank like mine. It's rated 6.6 but guys riders on the KLR forum who have them say one can get 7 gals into it. I was trying to figure out how to install a crossover pipe so contacted IMS and they service guy told me to do it the old fashioned way, lay the bike on it's side to transfer fuel from right to left. As you well know, there is a serious following for these bikes and I don't regard them as any less capable than a GS or KTM, just less power. They will go anywhere that any of the bike ADV bikes will.

I wish I could be riding Baja with my San Deigo friend, and you guys, but it appears my new knee has gone wonky, with an Ortho suggesting it's either infected or come lose from the bone, both bad options.

And Steve, I did mean Baja Mexico.
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I hope they can fix you up quickly and get you back on the bike
So many of my friends have knee,hip and shoulder replacements and all wish they hadn't waited so long. The only draw back is a few gave up riding for fear if they ever injured themselves what would be the complications of repairing it again.