Oh my but what have I done? A KLR?

Lupe, you're probably in the top 3 of the best guys that I ever met, and I don't say the best only because I don't want you to get a big head.
I will be very careful off road. No stupid stuff but just rather being able to keep riding "where the pavement ends". Damaging an artificial knee can be catastrophic. I've done quite a bit of off road riding, to include in the northern Yukon, so know my limits. I've also forded rivers but will watch the vids.

Lupe, I have a 31 inch inseam and can barely get on a stock KLR, and then standing on top toes. The low Sargent seat that came with the bike makes it pretty easy though for me and I can keep my feet flat on the ground.
Mate , It warms the cockles of my heart to read this post . I am a firm believer of " if you think old , you get old " ! best way in the world of getting and / or keeping fit . I have remained 9 for the last 43 years and have no intention of getting any older , despite what my body says . Just bear in mind that intentions often outweigh abilities as we get older , so don't beat yourself up when you find it's all far harder than you remember ! I have a friend who at 75 years old is still regularly winning Enduros in the veterans class , and he never rode a dirt bike until well into his 60s. One peice of advice tho , get yourself good off road riding personal injury insurance . Worth their weight in gold ! Here's my baby ,
I believe that's the model my San Diego friend has Nat. And that's great advice on the personal injury insurance, or traveler's insurance as the policies are called in the US. I really do know my limitations and will be taking it slow and easy.