Oh god it's NOT another oil thread

I watched a couple Youtube videos on them, cutting them up and stuff, Wix and Fram were the the bottom of the barrel, Bosch and Mobil1 were the best of the working stiff level filters(and appeared to be identical/same manufacturer), and I forget what the best one was, but it was double or triple normal price.
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I use high flo. I was told it's the k&n design before k&n moved manufacturing to China. Again what I was told so take it for what it is
Here is a sample of the "who makes various filters" list, some maybe be surprising, but build houses do offer various grades of build so each sub-brand isn't necessarily the same as the others made in the same build house, K&N catches a LOT of flak (warranted and unwarranted) for their ridiculous marketing fluff, but, they do make decent products (for a price lol):

Fram and Champion are 1 company now, like Metzler and Pirelli.

Fram Extra Guard (std)
Fram Tough Guard (different media?)
Fram X2 (Silicone ADBV, Fuzzy media)
Fram Extended Guard(same as the X2)
Mileguard (Jiffy)
Honda (although some are alleged to be made by Filtech)
Chrysler line up except for the Cummins
Canadian Tire

Champion Labs
Car and Driver
Mobil 1
Valvoline filters
Service Champ
AutoZone Value Craft
Some AC Delco
VW (some)

One I'm going to try is the Amsoil filters, it has some legit better technology incorporated into the media which shows superior filtering in the Beta tests below 20 microns. EA103 seems like it will fit, ordering one to test.
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PCv has 250 rpm increments. Tuneecu not even but plenty. I use hi-flo filters in the workshop, pretty sure they are made by the same folk who make OEM for Honda.

Where's my hi-flo?
It's not immediately obvious, but there are many claims HiFlo is "manufactured by K&N", so that suggests Champ Labs.

It's also nearly identical internally to the Honda filters, a good thing given the Honda penchant for elegantly simple engineering. A chopped up one shows good construction and good drain back implementation.

The more I look, the more it's looking like there are basically 3 major non-oem build house companies, Champ Labs, Bosch, and Purolator, who build all the different brands in China, Germany, and USA respectively.

This is exactly how other industries have gone, car audio equipment being the most transparent. Essentially there's only 3 major companies there as well.
It seems, currently, you almost have to try, to find a poor quality filter.
K&N had a bad batch of filters a couple of years ago. The nut was coming off causing an oil dump.
They did a recall on them. (see link) I have used them or years on my bikes. No issues.

Safety Recall Notice

I am presently using a Triumph Filter on the Rocket only because of my vanity wanting to use the chrome cover. Go ahead, Mock Me.
Yeah absolutely, all for more information. Going to cut the one I'm using now open this weekend and have looksie.