Now to make it mine.....

All you need to do is drill the holes bigger (1/2") in the top triple tree. Did it on my Speedmaster so now any Generic risers will work.
When you drilled the holes, did you also have to manufacture new sleeves for the bolts? Also any idea how much of a rise and pullback I can get away with without having to change cables? Rode the big girl yeaterday after a 2-week hiatus and this morning my hands and wrists are torn up (again).... Sure is NOT confortable to ride for any length of time.... such a pity for a great bike.
I just drilled the holes with a 33/64" drill. (clearance size for 1/2" bolts). the bolts in the risers are 1/2" so no sleeves were required. I am not home at the moment but will post a pic when I can.
I just drilled the holes with a 33/64" drill. (clearance size for 1/2" bolts). the bolts in the risers are 1/2" so no sleeves were required. I am not home at the moment but will post a pic when I can.
Thanks. The stock bolts go down through a sleeve surrounded by a rubber grommet fort stability. I was thinking it might be needed for the risers as well since there will be more torque and leverage on the bars once they are up higher and to the rear.