(now) Negative (and Positive) battery cables (pair)

I just ordered both battery cables from ebay, they are OEM take off's for $10 shipped.

Does it make sense to double up the positive cable also?
Doubled up on battery cables, I had added a 10 gauge wire to the negative along with the OEM cable a while ago and it seems adding the second OEM battery cable had no effect of the engine turning over. The 10 gauge wire with OEM and the two times OEM worked the same. Adding the second negative either 10 gauge or OEM greatly improved the motor turning over.
Mittzy count me in for 2 cables. I need one for each Rocket. Are you sending to Joesmo for US redistribution ?
Thought I would follow up on yet another reason to double up battery cables. Below freezing starts.
25 degrees -4c last night, the Rocket has sat four weeks without starting and this morning it popped right off. Started no problem. Cheap and easy to do. Turns that 2.3L over fast even in 25* cold. Went for a couple hour ride finally!! We head south to lower elevations and warmer weather.
I just took mine down to the local auto shop told him I wanted heavier ones and a few inches longer since they were heavier gauge. Not trying to get into mitzy's wallet he has a new TFC to pay for.
Thought I'd throw it out there incase shipping and all from OZ turns out to be two pricey.

I did the same, I think it was your suggestion.