Nothing about rockets

I wonder why the German word for manufactured meats never took off 'WURST'
Coz it means SAUSAGE and took off like wildfire in Germany. The closest to SPAM I can think of is Fleischkäse - which is meatloaf pretty much. My wife loves Chopped (Chop-pedd phonetically) which is chopped ham and similar - but coarser cut.
So does hog's head cheese, but I eat that too
I was wondering what that was but now I nknow it is really good stuff we call it 'brawn'.

I reckon it would look great as a big block with a couple of eyes, a brain and some ears for decoration.
Reminds me of a great Steve Martin movie

Head cheese - Wikipedia

We have scrapple (pan rabbit) first pork dish invented in the Americas! November 9th is national scrapple day, so mark your calendars. Way better than spam!!
Crap! After seeing some of these different versions of "food", I've lost my appetite...

I've been to the Spam museum in Austin, Minnesota several times over the years when I am driving from Maine to Seattle and back. It's actually a pretty cool and informative place.