Not so good day

Dang, tough luck. Glad you are getting it sorted even if it means you’re a cager for a bit.
I broke down today, Feel a bit of a dumb ass, as did not have screw driver with me. Turned out to be the mysterious tight but not connected battery terminal. Got a good workout pushing it home
Both my Rocket and Blackbird have mysteriously loosening battery terminals. The Rocket never left me stranded, the Blackbird almost did, but hitting the high beams a couple times must have arced the connection enough to start it and get home, what I later decided must have occurred, anyway.
My horse is still down. , repairs are covered under warranty . And the dealership did me a real solid, they took the factory sissy bar pad off a Rocket that was traded in and put it on my bike and put the abomination that I had on mine onto the trade in. . I am real lucky here in that the Triumph Dealership is maybe 5 miles from where I live, less than a mile from where I work. And it is owned and staffed by a bunch of stand up guys. When my wife called asking for help when I broke down, They we’re right on it. Asking her where I was, what happened, is he alright? Told her to call this towing company, tell them to bring it here and it’s for us.
I come from a little tiny town in MN, never thought I would find this kind of service in such big very populated place.
Not gonna get my panties in a knot. it will all get sorted out in the end. Life is good I ride a Rocket.
H*ll YEA!! Sorry to hear but good know she's being well cared for...