Not done, but looking for suggestions...

I'm trying to decide on the RamAir or K&N's. Also wonder what the reason would be, if any, to go with a PCV rather than the less expensive PCIII. ANY THOUGHTS?

It's a real beauty. I used the TuneECU program with my 2007 Classic Tourer. I think I had a Jardine exhaust at the time. I got a tune from the gent who helped me with the initial download. It proved to be a bit lean though with decel back popping so I sent it to Hanso who tweeked it to perfection. My son has that Rocket in Maryland now and the last time I rode it during a visit, realized how scary fast it was.

I'd use a add on tuner like PC3 only if it was not possible to reflash the ECU. I'll be using TuneECU with my "new to me" 09 Touring when I find a suitable exhaust.
you're going to get really sick of cleaning sh!t off the front of your engine.

A hint here.
I spray my engine down with WD40, this stops the crap sticking and keeps the Engine looking like new.

One other suggestion, get a cover for between the header and the muffler.

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And/or a decent header to suit.

I use the Dobeck Performance AFR Plus. Great device.
Last I spoke with Mr. Dobeck, he was no longer supporting Triumphs, some strange unexplained issue between Triumph's ECU and his AFR plus, this was during the summer.(July) I ended up with PCV and auto tune, not the ultimate, I'll have it dyno'd once I get my new exhaust and header from PB.

I just got bar risers. I'd really like a black handle bar, straighter. I'm looking for a street fighter type of look. Oh, and in the next pictures it will be blacked out and will have header wrap on the exposed pipe. Any know of a set of bars that will clear with 1" taller, 2" back risers?