North Georgia in say...Octoberish?

I can't believe that I let myself get caught flat footed by the temperatures, I have enough cold weather gear to outfit 3 or 4 people, I brought none, I didn't even put the liner in my jacket. The important thing is Karen got to meet everyone, and had fun, and said she would definitely do it again.
OK y'all. What happened to the psychologist? The dude that stayed a crossed the road! I know he spent the weekend analyzing us..
Y'all be in trouble now .... watch out for the men in white coats cos your All Mad .... in a very nice kinda way
Sorry i missed the chance to meet Mrs Tripps, hope we can make it next year
made it home at 8 pm tonight and had a good ride up with decent temperatures all the way.
A great weekend with the usual excellent company and a fine spread on Saturday. All went well except for getting a bad strawberrry!!!!

Must have been a bad batch of them there berries. Same thing happened to me on Friday night
@sweettennbabe that was chuck, a pretty recent new member. He seemed to have a good time, unfortunately he had to head out early on Sunday for work. I don't think any of us have to worry if we're being analyzed by a fellow Kentuckian He was a great dude and hopefully we'll see him again at future rides.
made it home at 8 pm tonight and had a good ride up with decent temperatures all the way.
A great weekend with the usual excellent company and a fine spread on Saturday. All went well except for getting a bad strawberrry!!!!

We all know THE DUK 'O DEATH is truly a puss cat with a lovely accent!
Unbelievable! I'm not allowed to even write ***** cat???
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