North Georgia in say...Octoberish?

Unless plans change Nurse Ratchet and I will leave in the wee hours of Thursday AM which will put us in MV late Thursday evening
Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel------------- 1---------------------- 1
Preston----------1-------------------1 or 2
Paul-------------1------------------------ 2
Stb & rainman,---2-------------------------2
Ski & Bags---------------2-------------------2
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet-----2-----------------2
Rocket Scientist & TOW------1-----------------2
tdragger-----------1 or 2--------------------1 or 2
Pulled into MV and the Holiday motel this afternoon. Went to Barber Motorsports Yesterday for the vintage races. Just chillin for now.
We're planning on an early morning roll Friday. Unfortunately, won't be able to avoid the outskirts of that traffic mess otherwise known as Atlanta should be there before noon time. Can't leave on Thursday due to childcare situation.