North Georgia in say...Octoberish?

Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel----------- 1--------------------------- 2
Preston---------1-------------------------1 or 2
Paul-------------1-------------------------- 2
Stb & rainman,--2--------------------------2

We know that coming to our neck of the woods for rest and relaxation is an expense. I am thinking that we can keep the expense of dinner on the Saturday evening to $10 per person which is everything except drinks. Plates, paper towels, flatware, ribs, a couple of GOOD sides and dessert would be provided for the $10. Let me know if that's fair and acceptable.
Again, cooking, smoking, sauces, dry ribs, going and getting, cooker, and prep are all on me and Lori. You WILL NOT go away hungry.
Later on we can establish a time to eat that Saturday evening. I will probably invite Gabi/Rob and kids to join us and I'll comp their food.
Sounds lovely to me!!
Don't know 'bout fair -- sho' nuf -- BEST DEAL IN TOWN

Many hands make little work as they say . . .
Yep..... I live is SC. For example two side by side states will not honor each other is GA and SC.[/QUOTE]
And that's a crying shame