I *want* to "do" the Dragon -- some day. For this trip, much more interested in the wonderful group, wherever that leads.
The Rocket is a progression -- Touring mind you -- beyond bikes where the thrill of throwing it around had me thinking about Rt 129. On my Honda CB250 Nighthawk, perhaps ? I've seen YouTube footage of a rider on an ST1300 trying to keep up with another fellow on a Goldwing - sparks flying with every corner. I'll have none of that, thank you. And my wife is much more interested in the views we got from Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway at 35 mph -- along the lines of gorgeous photos @JoseyR3Wales and others have posted.
So, "no sweat" here, and will be looking to go with the flow, and add to the merriment while it lasts.
Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel----------- 1--------------------------- 2
Preston---------1-------------------------1 or 2 Paul-------------1-------------------------- 2
Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel----------- 1--------------------------- 2
Preston---------1-------------------------1 or 2
Paul-------------1-------------------------- 2
So the base meal item Saturday night will be real baby back pork ribs, smoked with a combination of hickory and apple wood. I'll work on the remainder. Gorganzola tater salad ? The food wheels are turnin.
Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel----------- 1--------------------------- 2
Preston---------1-------------------------1 or 2 Paul-------------1-------------------------- 2 Crack-----------2--------------------------2 Stb & rainman,--2--------------------------2