Thanks fellas, i had a tiger 1050 up until about 2 months ago and stepped over to a 011 S3, i thought the tiger could of been 2 bikes in one, which it probably is, i wasnt even looking for a cruiser but last week i went in to my dealer to pick a cheque up for my tiger which was on consignment and there was the rocket as i walked in the door, and all of a sudden i started getting ideas well that might be the second bike "piece" that the tiger couldnt deliver,also my mates have just been getting second bikes{cruisers} one got a warrior and the other got a 1100 v star so i should be able to puttt along with them now LOL with out getting bored,the rocket is standard except for the pillion seat and backrest ,
i would love to put an exhaust on her and open her up a bit but i dont want to be excessivly loud, the jardines seem to be the flavor but are they to loud