No spark at all three coils


.020 Over
Jun 11, 2022
Hi there Any electrical gurus out there!!
I have an issue with no spark at the coils, firstly I had no start at the button this has been sorted, the ECU was at fault (starter circuit) now repaired.
Battery level 12.74v
Ignition on 12.12v
Cranking 10.73v No plugs
Ignition only
Coil one feed 12.79v
Coil two feed 12.79v
Cool three feed 12.78v
Cranking all coils drop to 10.30 volts
ECU signals
Ignition only
All coils 0.09v
All coils between 0.02 & 0.04v
When finished test battery voltage is 12.36v
Any ideas folks
2004 triumph 3 roadster
That may not be enough voltage, sounds like all 3 no signal, add some voltage with another battery hooked to the bikes battery and see if you get spark.
I am definitely not an electrical guru. I wonder if it could still be an ecu problem. My bike is newer, 2018, so it might be different. It has a couple safety switches or sensors, whatever you want to call them. You have to have the clutch pulled in to start the bike. If that switch goes bad( or the wiring to it) does it tell the ecu to cut spark? Switch on the kickstand, if I click it into first gear with the kickstand down, it kills the bike. If this switch is bad, does it tell the ecu to cut the spark to kill the bike? And the run/stop switch on the controls. This might look fine on the outside, but if it is bad, does it tell the ecu to cut the spark to shut off the bike? So maybe the ecu is preventing spark due to faulty switch?
That looks low for the battery. The ECU is very particular with the voltage it likes to see. Is the engine cranking over when you hit the start button, just not firing? Also the low tension side of the coils (spade terminals) are prone to "opening up" or spreading just enough to make bad connections and cause misfire/ no-fire conditions.
Did you remove the plug, reattach the HT lead and get no spark with the plug resting against the engine? My guess would be the Engine Management Relay needs replaced. The coils are fed power from that relay. That's located on the left side and should be the middle relay (there are 3 relays under that side cover).
All switches/sensors you mentioned I have renewed I'm trying different angles
Thanks for the reply I'm going to try fresh battery plus connecting a second battery to boost things