
Standard Bore
Jun 20, 2012
Spring Lake, NC
Last year my 2007 classic's oil pressure light came on... I pulled the sending unit, turned it over and it filled the air filter with oil.... Replaced the sending unit.... light still on.... I rode for a while.... then one day when I started the bike I could hear the valve train.... not oiling... I pulled the oil filter... started and not oil at all flowing at the filter....
I pulled the front cover off the motor, pulled the oil pump, all looks good... now I'm removing the motor from the bike... thinking it's the sump pump....
anything I need to be looking for when I get inside???
My 14 had a scavenger pump fail due to improper assembly. Showed oil in tank, but did not flow.
My 14 had a scavenger pump fail due to improper assembly. Showed oil in tank, but did not flow.

I am thinking sump pump as well,
I have to get the drive shaft disconnected, then I can drop the motor and split the bottom case....


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Replaced the sending unit.... light still on.... I rode for a while....

Not good.... a test with a pressure gauge where the sending unit was to confirm the low pressure issue before riding the bike would have saved a lot of expense. That's what the light is for. Guarantee the engine is screwed.... You have the filter off, pull it apart. I bet you'll find bearing material in it or in your pick up screens.

I rode for a while.... then one day when I started the bike I could hear the valve train.... not oiling...

What do you mean '"hear the valve train not oiling"? The valve train has no hydraulic lifters so no ticking sound, unless the cams were so dry they were squealing on the valve shims?? Did you hear a knocking sound? If so, that's the bottom end telling you it's shot. If any main bearings spun in the case, then it's pretty well finished along with your crank main and probably rod journals. Might as well take a look since the engine has to come out anyway.

It's probably engine shopping time...