No oil in tank?

I believe there is some kind of valve that is supposed to prevent the oil from trickling back into the crankcase.
mine seems to stay full for a month
have not tested lately i been riding most every week and try to bring to work at least once a week
Mine leaks down pretty fast, like maybe a week or two. I have a lot of dry-sump bikes and none of them keep the oil level in the tank for more than a week or two. Funny story about that, some years ago I bought a Suzuki DR350 super cheap on Craigslist advertised as "needs a headgasket". Guy says he started it up one day and oil was just flying out between the cylinder and head. Thing looked a mess, but I bought it anyway because as I've said before I make questionable decisions when it comes to motorcycles. The DR350 is also a dry sump with an oil tank in the frame up near the steering head. Holds like 1.5 quarts. I went to start tearing this thing down and drained 7 QUARTS of oil from the engine! I guess every time the guy went to ride it he checked the oil first, added some, and went about his day until one day he got it so full the piston was slapping the oil level in the bottom end. Cleaned it up and it ran like a champ until the day I wrecked it and put myself in the ER
does your oil tank stay full after sitting?
Mine empties out in 4 days. I replaced the anti drain valve under the sump plate with a new one but it still does it. I do not know the reason and i have no leaks. When started after it has drained down the oil light goes out pretty quickly anyway. I believe most of them do it. If i am parking up for any period of time i syphon out 250mm of oil from the tank and put it back in prior to starting the bike with an empty oil tank. It makes a difference as the oil light goes out instantaneously. It's probably ok without doing the syphon job but it makes me feel more confident when that oil light goes out quickly. I like the belt and braces outlook, especially with these temperamental machines.
i bought a 70 dodge challenger that blew smoke like an old freight train
thought i would change oil first and found it had 16 quarts of oil in the engine.
i have had automatic transmissions come in filled to the top and blowing atf out the vent a lot of times.
had my wife tell me it was out of atf so i told her to turn on headlights and put the stick in front of the headlight then she could see the atf full.
What year is yours?
im thinking older bikes the anti drain valve is not doing well. I noticed mine change from several days to next morning tank empty, all that oil in the crank cant be good.