No more parts from North County Yamaha.....


Staff member
Mar 17, 2008
South East Oz
'05 Puffin Billy '20 GT
On the "other" site, Paul Bryant advises that Andy at NCY in the US just told him they are no longer Triumph agents........

VERY sad news............
On the "other" site, Paul Bryant advises that Andy at NCY in the US just told him they are no longer Triumph agents........

VERY sad news............
Is this some weird trick or treat Halloween trick????
Say it isn't so........
Since I've owned my 2005 Rocket III i've crossed this bridge about four times. They either go out of business or just don't have that many Triumph riders in my area ,enogh to make it worth their while anyway. You either have to be patient and wait for another dealer to jump on the Triumph band wagon or venture out great distances to find a qualified dealer. As far as my Roadking goes there are six dealers and about fifty qualified machanics within a ten mile radius. You pay the price for owning a Triumph in my neck of the woods but it's worth it to me. I've had more fun on this bike than any other i've owned..
Bummer I sent Andy a e-mail then I will see what they are dumping cheap parts wise. Never hurts to have a Rocket Graveyard. Might be a nice retirement job
Bummer indeed. I live less than 10 miles from NCY, and used to buy all my parts from there. Like all other local Triumph dealers, they didn't have even all the basic service parts in stock, but they were able to get everything from the warehouse in 7 days or even less if you paid for expedited shipping.

How are Bike Bandit shipping times for Triumph parts, or are there any better options on the US west coast for getting parts in a week or less?

Bike Bandit are just OK -
I've used them a lot the past few years and it normally takes 10 to 14 days for delivery.
They did piss me off recently refusing to take a perfectly new, still in the package, $70 part on return.
I had been out of town on business and apparently exceeded their 14 day from shipping return limit!
Total BS in the first degree.
That sucks , I ordered many times from them, and they gave me discounts !!
Andy was a great contact and always very helpful with shipping downunder,
looks like Triumph dealers are slowly disappearing, there must be a reason that they need to sort out.
Hard to fathom, considering Triumph selling record amounts of bikes in the US. Think they would be capitalising on that no bailing.