News article on accidents


Oct 13, 2014
Vicksburg Michigan
08 Rocket Touring, 15 Rocket Touring
Yesterday on the 6 o’clock news and the 11 o’clock news both led off with the number of motorcycle accidents in our region. The story went on to show that the number one cause was speed. The reporter clearly believed that’s riders were not riding safe. Not until the reporter explained the background check of the statistics came from the insurance industry reports. I have been riding with a group of friends and all of have noticed the aggressive nature of others on the road. Cars will cut off a biker with little regard for life or safety. The speed of bikers always is a concern. My experience is riders open up on highways. Sure it’s fun to crank it a little. Most riders have. Not in traffic areas. I may be off on my opinion of bikers, but I don’t think so.
Vehicles turning left in front of you is the worst and the faster you are going the worse it is for you.
Almost everything else i can drive out of.
When u see three or four cars racing in front of you then you are crazy to join in. Best to just drop back and wait for the wreck.
If you are to afraid to muscle yhe bike on down to make the curve then you
need fix that problem.
The more people,/vehicles around you the more likely one will make a mistake.
There is a stretch of road 55 mph with curves i ride 20 to 40 over there r risks but I accept those risks. Rocks/,deer javalina and i have never seen a bicycle .
Since the defund the police crap most agencies have been laying low on moving violations other than DUI. I see people run stop signs and red lights routinely like it's no big deal. High speed is become common everywhere. There is little fear of being stopped around here and the area's I drive. The fast lane on 99 or I-5 is 85 to 100 mph if you dare jump out there. I do on my Rocket but not my cars. Very bold and aggressive drivers. It will continue until they fear repercussions but that won't happen in the land of "we hate authority cause they're mean".
People are out of their minds and drive like maniacs with no respect for other people or the law!
The cops over here are not afraid to stop for speeding.

Last year a new R3 owner was killed on a busy down town interstate. He as estimated to be going 130 mph in an area where that is never safe at that speed.