
Sorry That's Wa Western Australia...My bad:kk:
Hey Frocket being a proud ex-Sandgroper myself there is only one way to write
W.A. and that big an Bold be Proud of ya state, it's been 40 year in August since my parents draged me kicking an screaming things like " the surf comes from the wrong direction" to the Eastern States and offered a good job I would probally be back over in a Flash in the meantime I will enjoy living in the second best part of Auss
Hi, I'm Frocket from WA, I may have been here before only the forum looks a bit different.
Long time David have you got the update done ? How is Frocket running now? I sent you a message from the tech site as I was putting mine back together at the time. Good to hear your still around
Welcome back, or just welcome. Gotta watch those abbreviations, between ponds who knows what they might mean.:flame: :kick:
I have been a bit under the pump for the last year. I have old Frocket on the road after busting a clutch basket and lifter shaft, put her together did 1700km and broke 4th gear...put her together with the full upgrade the night before I left for a 9000km run to Tassie...cutting it fine I know but the Wart loves saying "I told you so" when ever I say I'm gunna have Frocket ready two weeks before the trip. I did send a reply warp...well at least thats what my comupter told me when I pushed the go button.
looking at the discussion on Tyres, I fitted a 240/55/16 before I left for Tassie, loking to get some more km's out of it. I won't do that again. The 240/55 will give me around 3000km more but with the 10mm longer Hagdons on the back it lifts her to high for my likeing. I had...what I thought was a bit of tank slap on a trip to Denmark. Admitably i was doing 170 in a windey 80 zone and hit a bump on a bridge in a corner and she fishtailed me on to the white line on the other side of the road, never did that with the 240/50 on. also I have adjusted the speedo but the the odometer reads well out and it really stuffs up the fuel calculations on long trips when the next town is 150km away, the odo says you've done 230km but the lights on far have I really gone, will I make it?
And a minor thing...the Dyno says she has droped from 198hp to 179hp. Might be the rush tune I did at 10pm the night before the Tassie trip

That was just a message from the site letting you know you have a message in your in box. Like all the sites you have to go on there to reply. My Bad I should have just sent a regular e-mail. Glad to here Froket is up and running. If you don't do any speedo correction with the 240/55/16 it should be closer then when she rolled off the floor. I to hate that you can correct one and the other goes out. But hey when you lie to your bike about the SFPM of the wheel you have to expect her to retaliate
Thats why I use the gps or at least the fuel guage.
Anyway its good to here the kit went in fine. I had no trouble with mine except being lazy and taking care of the wifey's honey-do list so life goes on like I want it to. Sometimes you just have to prioritize whether you want to or not. Anyway I have a perfectly bent tranny input shaft if anyone wants it for a paper weight. And a fragmented inner clutch hub to mate with it. I can even send the many piece's with it !!!
As for the taller shocks I run the 350 mm on the beast. it takes a little getting used to as the sterring is much more responsive from the weight transfered to the front.
I was running the YSS 10 mm longer but since I already was use to the long ones I went back to the hagons. Most likely I will tear the 440HD off Gracie and install the YSS as I think they ride a wee bit better. Bummer is you have to pull the corbin bags just to take the shocks off.
I sort of decided not go above the 200hp once Things started to break. At 200hp I get to keep the long distance reliablity and have a little better than stock to play with.
having said that I built Agrona @ 674hp and 713ftlb to play with.